How do people feel about a Hatcreek Puppy?
This is 'Dog'. He lives in Evansville, Indiana. He loves to swim in the lake, go for walks, and make friends. "he is a very good boy"

Meet Remi from Georgia. "He is the best puppy! Adventurous, playful and so loving. He loves water and is scared of nothing. We could not ask for a better puppy. He's got a great temperament. He loves being outside and playing in the dirt!"

"Leia is quite popular in the neighborhood, everyone loves her. She's so smart. She has stolen our hearts!"

Elley Mei divides her time between Florida and Kentucky Lake. She likes a good stick, the bigger the better. She is full of energy and loves to explore. But she is also content to enjoy a day fishing on the lake.

Jackson from Nashville loves to watch the boats go by on the lake. His family is loving this boy!
Zeke lives with his family in Missouri. His people want to say there are no Last Picks at Hatcreek Goldens. Zeke was a 'last pick' but they could not be happier with him. He is beautiful and everyone loves him!

This is Suzy from Georgia and her best friend Henry. They play and wrestle all day long. She is very sweet and calm. My entire family has fallen in love with her.

Ivory from Chicago is such a sweet baby. We all love her.